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Webinar - Finding and Capitalizing on Commercial Opportunities

The economic fallout of COVID-19 introduces a real possibility of foreclosure for some investment properties, and inexperienced real estate agents may be unprepared for such a challenging scenario.  In the event of a pandemic, natural disaster or any other threat to the property, experienced brokers/agents are prepared to find new opportunities and protect investors. In this webinar, nationally known industry speaker and author Bryan Chavis of The Landlord Academy will teach you:
1. What every broker/agent needs to know when predicting assets/markets in the next 90 days
2. How to quickly evaluate income-producing property using the five formulas
3. How to legally structure your property management/asset management business to work with investors
4. Understanding the five phases of investment property
5. How to attract accredited investors to build your investment portfolio

SPONSOR: Classic Commercial Services